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Mix for Hamon Radio.

Echo Transformations at Drums & Chants

R.I.P. Hannes Vennik (1959 - 2021)

New signing with Knekelhuis: vinyl LP + DL: December 13, 2021 - Echo Transformations.

Echo Transformations - Michel Banabila / Knekelhuis 2021

Echo Transformations VPRO Luisterpaal.

Video for Echo Transformations by Keziah Philipps.

Interview with Knekelhuis.

Watch Descending The Mountain at PICL online.

Conny Janssen Danst HOME (2021/22 remake) Maarten Vos live cello & electronics / soundscape by Michel Banabila.

Listen on bandcamp: Still, by Maarten Vos & Michel Banabila: cello & sine tones.

Volkskrant podcast serie: Een Soort God, van Simone Eleveld & Anneke Stoffelen (muziek: Rutger Zuydervelt & Michel Banabila / sound design: Mona de Brauwer).

Out now (vinyl & DL) on EscRec: Reiko by nobuka, with contributions by Machinefabriek, Michel Banabila & Marina Tadic.

Drowning Angels; listen on soundcloud.

New collaboration with Pierre Bastien: Ancestors Mix.

Burgeon, recordings with Ümlaut & Salar Asid.

Descending The Mountain - soundtrack on Spotify

E.T (Extra Terre Version) performed by Gaspar Claus, (cello) available on vinyl and cd (Tancade).

Muziek voor VPRO Tegenlicht.

Sound design for Camera Arts (2 NOMIS videos).

A video for E.T. by David Kleijwegt, on Knekelhuis' Youtube channel.

Alienation - single on bandcamp.

Remastered version of 'E.T.' on Knekelhuis compilation 'And Felt Like...' (vinyl LP).

Knekelhuis compilation: 'and felt like...'

Spider, Spit and Broken Bells in a choreography by Yin Yue Dance, originally made for WMU, streaming in Threshold via Peridance Center, June 27th.

Recording with Jeff Greinke: Latitude and Longitude.

Recording with Cengiz Arslanpay: Yek Nefes.

A guitar version of 'You Little Wonder' by Italian guitarist Sergio Sorrentino.

A video for Secunde Reprise by David Kleijwegt, now on Bureau B's Youtube channel

Secunde - Reprise (Bureau B official music video)

Framed, Conny Janssen Danst - watch it now online (April 1 - May 30, 2021), tickets: here.


New signing with Bureau B: 'Wah-Wah Whispers' (full length compilation album - vinyl / CD / download).

Wah-Wah Whispers 

Limited cassette edition of Red Tape Sessions (100 copies) by Staalplaat: now available at bandcamp

Interview met Co de Kloet over Wah-Wah Whispers bij Co Live!

Music for Descending The Mountain, a film by Maartje Nevejan.

Music for Little Ox, a short animation by Patrick Vandebroeck & Raf Wathion.

Watch a new video for Annabelle Lopez Ochoa's Guernica (excerpt - recreation 2021) on Jump Cuts with Le Jeune Ballet du CNSMD.

Kroky, a track with Maryana Golovchenko & Oene van Geel, now available on Oene's new album at Zennes Records.

Second collaboration with Stijn Hüwels & Cok Van Vuuren: Across The Sky

EP: The Three Stages of Endurance

Music in Framed, a new show by Conny Janssen Danst.

Conny Janssen Danst Live @ VPRO Mondo (music: Eyes of the Witness)