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** Awarded with a stipendium by FPK  for the period of  2013 - 2014.

** Between Your Eyes and Mine (7" single) in OEP Best Vinyl of 2013 mix.

** Float, featured in Ambientblog.
** Float, available via iTunes  and bandcamp.
** Artikel / Tapu cd + vinyl recensies door Oscar Smit in Gonzo Circus 118.

** E.T. in mix  (Boarding Pass), by Rone, (covermounted CD) for the Tsugi Magazine Sampler 66.

** Banabila & Mens  4 track EP
Michel Banabila & Radboud Mens vinyl EP
** ZoomWorld  tracks in De Techmens  (Tegenlicht)
** Banabila & Mens : Co Live ! Radio 6

** Hirshhorn podcast now streaming at the Hirshhorn website and iTunes
Michel Banabila at the Hirshhorn Museum, Washington DC 2013

** Travelog on iTunes

** Crops  vertoning met Q & A op het Nederlands Film Festival

** Travelog  op de VPRO luisterpaal
** Travelog  (Banabila & Machinefabriek II) , CD, September 12, 2013, at bandcamp.

Banabila & Machinefabriek - Travelog

** Crops  (video by Gerco de Ruijter / sounddesign Michel Banabila) opens in the Hirschhorn Museum & Sculpture Gardens Black Box space

Crops - Gerco de Ruijter

**  Interference   (ZoomWorld) in the Vital Weekly 895 podcast.

 ** The Trenkel Sessions (Earlabs) , with Banabila, Meelkop, Mens, Simonis, Zuydervelt.

 ** Banabila & Scanner : 'Between Your Eyes and Mine', 7" vinyl (single).

Banabila & Scanner - Between Your Eyes and Mine

** Interview & music special VPRO Radio 6.

** 12 inch vinyl Banabila, Erker, Machinefabriek & Zenial

Banabila - Erker - Machinefabriek - Zenial vinyl EP

** ZoomWorld, featuring new recordings with Radboud Mens, and more, now on bandcamp.

Michel Banabila - ZoomWorld

** 'Eclipse', exclusive track for A compilation CD :'In Progress ; Various Artists, Volume II'.

In Progress - Laznia Poland

** 8 minute video compilation of Red Ear 2013 performance now on vimeo.

** Gardening extendedVital Weekly 879 review & Niki Jumpei added to the Vital Weekly podcast #400.

** Ambientblog reviews.

** '47 Voice Loops', now available on bandcamp.

47 Voice Loops - Michel Banabila

** Out Now : Gardening Extended.

** A video by Marielle Uiterwijk Winkel for Future Vodka, now on vimeo : 'Circus'.

Circus - Marielle Uiterwijk Winkel

** New tracks added to 'In Other Words'.

** New recording by Valery Alakhov, Michel Banabila & Svakha ; download on soundcloud.

** Online now : 'Phoneme Transmit', a project for Disquiet Junto #57.

** Out Now : Malpertus - (As contributors) ; Michel Banabila & Philippe Petit (compilation CD / 2013) Antibothis - Thisco.

** Crops premiere at IFFR 2013.

** Interview with Perry Holt ; In the Quiet - PBS radio on Sunday January 20.

** Yarra Valley video added on vimeo for Deep In The Forest.